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不忘初心 圆梦“红点”


红点设计大奖是国际公认的全球工业设计顶级奖项之一,与德国 IF 奖、美国“IDEA 奖”并称为世界三大设计奖。起初,它纯粹只是德国的奖项,但逐渐成长为国际知名的创意设计大奖,并被冠以“国际工业设计的奥斯卡”之称。
  红点奖由 Red Dot Product Design产品设计奖、Red Dot Communication Design 传播设计奖及 Red Dot Design Concept 设计概念奖,三大奖组成红点设计奖家族。红点设计概念奖将目光地
  红点设计概念奖分为 16 大类别,每年根据参赛质量颁发不同数量的红点奖。获得红点奖的设计绝对是高品质设计,红点荣誉只颁给在同类设计中出类拔萃的设计概念,要让这些获奖设计从众多设计创意和设计革新中脱颖而出。
这 是 一 款 列 车 专 用 可 折 叠 坐 卧 轮 椅(based on the train emergency train wheelchair design),乘客如果在列车上突发疾病,无法行走,乘务员需要立马将乘客送到当地医院急救;这时候这款轮椅是缩短抢救时间必不可少的产品,此轮椅能够折叠,并且操作过程简易,选用了比较轻便、耐用的材料,由于列车型号种类多,此轮椅在设计时考虑了它的通用性,尽量可以满足所有列车的使用。
  This is a design based on the train emergency train wheelchair.If the passengers can not walk by themselves for sudden illness ,the attendants need to send passengers to the local hospital for emergency treatment.At this moment,This emergency wheelchair is an essential product for shortening the first-aid time,and it can be folded with simple operation.It is made of lightweight, durable materials and can be used on many types of trains when considering its universality
  During the Chinese spring festival, the railway sector everyday has transfer the people more than the usually. So the passengers’ travel is very uncomfortable, the number of the passengers who in the train were more than the maximum, which made the interior air can not circulation, also can not be cleaned in time. The passengers who in the train for a long time can cause adverse reaction which can cause illness even severe life-threatening. This article’s first chapter is analysis the first aid measures of the train and analysis the different disease with the different first aid measures which can keep the passengers safe and healthy during the travel in the train . Especially during the train how to quickly and effectively transfer the sick passenger which is very important.
  The main structure of foldable wheelchair sitting by the use of the material is magnesium alloy,the material used in the box is high strength engineering plastics,and the face and the back of the chair are used for flame retardant cloth.We find that use these material can undertake the weight of an adult by calculating.
  How to use the lightest material to bear the weight of an adult is a problem when we designed this foldable wheelchair.Finally,we discovered the magnesium alloy through our constant testing and analysis.It is fully satisfied with our demands for this wheelchair.So we select the magnesium alloy the main material.Another problem is how to save the space and easy to use when emergency.After by repeated trials,we use some physical structure so that foldable reclining wheelchair can be very smooth start folding.

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